John Barrickman

Current Issues in
Commercial Real Estate

Webinar took place on:
January 14, 2021

It is no secret that COVID-19 has adversely impacted U.S. and world economies. Since commercial real estate (CRE) properties are boxes that hold the economy, there will be a dramatic impact on the performance of income properties used for hard-hit areas such as hospitality, offices, and multifamily residences.

Banks feel this ripple effect. Lenders must be sensitive to the pandemic’s impact on the bank’s commercial and industrial (C&I) as well as CRE portfolios. The first step is to understand what is happening and what you can do. John Barrickman will lead you through the factors impacting your bank’s portfolio and share steps your bank can take now to thrive moving forward.

In this webinar, you will learn about—

  • regulatory concerns expressed prior to COVID-19,
  • the impact of market disrupters and COVID on CRE,
  • covariance and contagion in the C&I portfolio,
  • the impact of the change in accounting treatment of operating leases,
  • borrower and portfolio stress testing, and
  • steps your bank can take now.



Download the outline to this webinar and/or Powerpoint presentation in pdf format:
Download Outline  |  Download Powerpoint Presentation

A former bank CEO, John Barrickman is an engaging professional educator with unique insights on industry and market trends.  John has extensive experience in all aspects of banking with a focus on risk management, the credit process, strategic planning, and all aspects of commercial lending. John teaches a core class on Credit Risk Management at PCBS.

Session dates announced! August 17 - 29 2025
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