PCBS offers the nation’s premier graduate-level management education program focused specifically on the financial services industry. Set in the scenic Pacific Northwest on the campus of the University of Washington, this three-year program offers a rich experience that goes beyond the classroom.

PCBS maintains high entrance standards, attracting the best and the brightest from the industry. Our students are just one of the many reasons PCBS is considered The Premier National Graduate School of Banking™.  PCBS is committed to helping students reach their full potential in their careers by enhancing leadership and management abilities that complement each bank’s internal training and development efforts.


  • Value

    PCBS is an exceptional dollar value.

  • Reputation

    PCBS has an outstanding reputation as the premier graduate-level banking school in the nation, with extraordinary strength in its brand equity.

  • Faculty

    PCBS attracts and retains the best faculty for educating financial services executives.

  • Quality

    PCBS students and the PCBS educational program are the highest caliber of any banking school.

  • Diversity

    PCBS celebrates a diverse student body. Coming from various departments at community, regional, and super-regional banks across the country, PCBS students are also diverse in race and ethnicity and educational background.

  • Alumni

    Graduates benefit from a network of over 12,000 alumni, many of whom are CEOs and senior executives.

  • Building for the future

    PCBS builds better bankers and leaders.

A Relevant Curriculum

To guarantee PCBS remains relevant to our constituents, our governing boards are comprised of high-level bankers, industry consultants, and regulators who provide input and direction surrounding the PCBS curriculum and overall operation of the school. Their involvement ensures that our curriculum stays relevant to the industry and speaks to the diverse issues facing financial services organizations today. PCBS courses are taught by industry and academic leaders who are not only experts in their fields, but also outstanding instructors who consistently perform at a high level.

We believe that there is simply no shortcut to a great education. True mastery of a subject comes not from short seminars, but from longer, in-depth classes. PCBS classes include valuable face-to-face time with our remarkable instructors, allowing students to ask questions and exchange ideas. This collaborative culture is enhanced by the caliber of student who attends PCBS.

We require all students to attend all three resident sessions. Some programs waive entry-level courses for students with MBA degrees; however, we consider MBA knowledge to reflect mastery of the prerequisites. Because our courses are so industry-focused, there is little redundancy with MBA coursework. In fact, over 20% of our students already have MBAs. At PCBS,  the combined caliber of our students and our instructors sets us apart from our competition.

Benefits to Financial Institutions:

PCBS provides value to sponsoring institutions through:

  • Graduates helping their institutions gain strategic competitive advantages and respond creatively to industry changes
  • Graduates’ enhanced productivity and performance, contributing to the profitability of their institutions
  • Corporate recognition of employees’ high potential, resulting in increased retention of the best future leaders within the organization

Benefits to Individual Participants:

PCBS provides value to participants, enhancing their career paths through:

  • Increased comprehensive understanding of the industry
  • Improved leadership skills and effectiveness
  • Dramatically enhanced analytical, problem-solving, and strategic thinking skills
  • A network of current and future industry leaders


NEW: Earn CPE credits for your PCBS courses!
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